
Is My Dog Color Blind?


This is a common question among dog owners: "Is my dog color blind?"

No. But, they are unable to see the full spectrum of colors that are visible to us.

Color Blindness Charts

The human eye contains 3 different kinds of cones. With these photoreceptors, we can see shades of:

  1. Dog Color Blindred
  2. blue
  3. green

Dogs, and people that are considered color blind, have only two. A lesser number of rods is the cause of color blindness.

The rods in a dog's eyes are sensitive to:

  1. blue
  2. greenish-yellow

Red and orange, which appear bright to us, may look dingy yellow to your dog. In your dog's world, basically everything is shades of yellow, blue or gray.

Red Green Color Blindness

KONG Dog Toy (X-Large; 5.5

So, that bright red Kong toy that you thought your dog would be so excited about is actually not very easy for her to see.

Remember that the next time your dog runs right past a red toy in the grass. Now you know why.

Pick up some blue dog toys that will be much easier for your dog to see.



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The information and products recommended by german-shepherd-lore.com are not intended to take the place of expert veterinarian care. Please consult with your vet and ask about using a natural and alternative approach for the healthcare and treatment of your pet. Find a holistic vet.


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The information and products recommended by german-shepherd-lore.com are not intended to take the place of expert veterinarian care. Please consult with your vet and ask about using a natural and alternative approach for the healthcare and treatment of your pet. Find a holistic vet.

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