
Finding Rin Tin Tin


Finding Rin Tin Tin was shot in 2007. It is loosely based on the true story of an American soldier and the German Shepherd dog he found during World War I.

Finding Rin Tin TinWhile stationed in France, Corporal Lee Duncan came across a bombed dog kennel. The only survivors were a mother and her three puppies. In the movie, he picks out one puppy to keep for himself, giving the mother and two puppies away.

In reality, five puppies were found. And Duncan kept two of them, a female he named Nannette and a male - Rin Tin and Tin.

The General tells him that it is against the rules to keep a young, rowdy dog. So Duncan locates the original owner of the mother, Betty des Flandres.

He locates Nikolaus Egger, an expert dog handler who has been captured as a POW. Initially, Egger is not eager to help Duncan, but they soon bond through a common desire to help Rin Tin Tin reach his full potential.

Finding Rin Tin TinEgger patiently teaches Rin Tin Tin a wide variety of skills which the smart dog easily masters. Soon, Rin Tin Tin is able to showcase his value to the General by bringing first aid to trapped soldiers in the field and using his strong sense of smell to locate lost men. 

It is known that Duncan did seek out Betty's owner for advice, but it is not known how much training the kennel master provided.

After the war is over, Duncan takes Rin Tin Tin home where he becomes a Hollywood star.

Who is the Star of Rin Tin Tin?

Unlike the Adventures of Rin Tin Tin, the dogs used in Finding Rin Tin Tin came from a Bulgarian kennel and are not descendants of the Rinty line.

As a result, the film is not without controversy. Miss Daphne Hereford is the owner of the Rin Tin Tin trademark. She has been breeding, raising and training Rin Tin Tin descendants for over 50 years and felt the studio's misrepresentation was inappropriate.

"I am deeply saddened and distressed to see this film company intentionally deceive the public by representing the dogs they used in the movie as Rin Tin Tin.

For more than 9 decades and 10 generations, Rin Tin Tin and his direct line descendants that have continued the Rin Tin Tin bloodline have been highly respected and sought after. I fear this action by the production company will not only confuse the public but tarnish the Rin Tin Tin dogs good name and reputation."

~Miss Daphne Hereford, on Finding Rin Tin Tin

While the Rin Tin Tin Infringement lawsuit filed was decided in favor of the studio, Miss Hereford has asked a favor:

"We encourage the consuming public to boycott the release of this [Finding Rin Tin Tin] film on DVD and express their outrage at the deception by sending their comments directly to the production and distribution company."

Famous Dogs

Similar to the situation in Finding Rin Tin Tin, this is not the first time famous dogs unrelated to the star were used in film. Years ago, non-descendants of Lassie filmed for the series. Fans protested and collies in the Lassie bloodline were eventually returned to the show.

Ms. Hereford is the owner of eight federally registered trademarks for Rin Tin Tin. This includes:

  • Marks for live German Shepherd dogs and puppies
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Live performances
  • Fan club
  • Toys
  • Canine ambassador club
  • A wide variety of other products

The original Rin Tin Tin starred in 26 films and is credited with saving Warner Brothers studios from bankruptcy. Rin Tin Tin 11, the current descendant makes public appearance across the country.

Ms. Hereford is very selective with her breeding program. Only one litter of puppies is produced each year. They are extensively tested and placed in select homes. Many of them become service and rescue dogs.


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