
Find a Lost Dog


LostMyDoggie.comHow do I find a lost dog? And how do I know how far they may have gone?

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If your dog used an opportunity to escape, it is likely that she will meander her way back home after exploring. On the other hand, if she was spooked into a panic, she may travel for several miles.

Other factors that influence the distance are:

  • Weather
    Nice weather may increase the amount of distance that your dog will cover. But extreme weather due to heat, rain or snowstorms will likely cause her to stay closer in the vicinity.

  • Terrain
    A dog lost in a mountainous are will travel further than one that disappears in a residential area. Dogs normally choose the path of least resistance, and any barrier will prevent her from keeping continuing on or changing directions.

  • Appearance
    Small dogs and purebreds are commonly picked up by people that encounter them. This is because most small dogs are seen as vulnerable and easier to house than larger dogs. And purebreds are assumed to be valuable and therefore, must belong to somebody.

    Larger breeds and mixed breed dogs are generally less likely to be picked up by passers-by. Much of this hinges on a perception of the breed. A "friendly" Labrador Retriever is more likely to be approached than a Pit Bull which may be considered "aggressive" by some. Mixed breeds are likely to be seen as homeless stray animals.

  • Population
    It makes sense that dogs lost in the city are likely to be seen by more people than those lost in the wilderness or less populated areas. This also explains why dogs lost at night are less likely to be seen than those during daylight hours.

  • Owner Attitude
    Some owners follow a wait-and-see approach which can be detrimental to finding their lost dog. The first few hours are critical. Others waste the valuable first hours assuming that their dog will not be found so why bother.

    Owners with a strong human animal bond will go to extremes to find their dog. If you visit shelters, post flyers and contact rescue groups, you will likely be awarded using this time consuming approach.

  • Rescuer Attitude
    Some rescuers may assume that a lost dog's behavior or unkempt appearance means that she has suffered abuse. But, her fearful behavior can reflect dogs in either the Hard to Get or Trust No One category.

    And just because a dog was found in a rural area or found without a collar does not mean that she was dumped or is homeless. This may prevent a rescuer from taking the dog to a shelter for fear of her being euthanized. But, keep in mind, this is typically the first place an owner will visit to find a lost dog.

Keep these factors in mind should you ever have to find a lost dog.

Missing Dog or Pet? LostMyDoggie.com will find your missing pet by quickly calling all your neighbors.


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Missing Pet Partnership's website (www.lostapet.org) lists lost pet recovery tips based on the analysis of lost pet behavior.

Kathy "Kat" Albrecht is a former police detective-turned-pet detective and author of The Lost Pet Chronicles: Adventures of A K-9 Cop Turned Pet Detective. Kat is the founder of Missing Pet Partnership and is the CEO of Pet Hunters International the first ever pet detective academy that trains and certifies technicians and search dogs to track lost pets.


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