2/3 German Shepherd, 1/3 wolf

Jake, my German Shepherd wolf dog

Jake, my German Shepherd wolf dog

My dog's name is Jake. Got him in Oklahoma City.

I know he is 2/3 German Shepherd & 1/3 wolf.

Right now he's only 6 weeks old, and he eats small amounts throughout the day.

He runs & hops around outside daily, maybe 2 hours all together throughout the day.

He already knows the word "no", and is semi potty trained thus far.

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Mine is the same
by: Anonymous

Did your dog's hair turn colors around the eyes at 9 weeks old? Mine is turning a light blonde.

At first glance I thought he was losing his hair until I noticed it was turning colors? But other than that, he's solid black except his toes and the very small tip of his tail which has recently curled in during the past 2 weeks.

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