Well he is now 14 months and 100 lbs!

by Randy
(Calgary, Alberta Canada)

GSD Mix Bear at 7.5 Months

GSD Mix Bear at 7.5 Months

Vet says he is most likely Akita, Shepherd, and maybe a bit of Rottie. He is getting big but still a great dog we love him!!


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Strange looking brindle pattern mixed breed

by Randy
(Calgary, Alberta Canada)

Bear at 5 months old

Bear at 5 months old

Had Bear for 4 months now (got him from a Rescue). He is neutered, 6 months old, 55 lbs, has a spotted tongue, brindle stripping and the nicest dog I have ever owned.

Any thoughts or guessses what he is or how big he will get? Some say he looks like a Dutch Shepherd???



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by: dubya

Your dog looks a lot like our new pup except ours has white on top of her muzzle and white on her paws.

She's a GSD & Pitbull mix. So far looks a lot like yours and is very loving and smart at 7 weeks.

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