Opie, German Shepherd Mix, wondering how much shepherd you think he has?

by Aaron
(South Carolina)

Opie! German Shepherd Mix

Opie! German Shepherd Mix

I adopted Opie from the SPCA and he is lab/shep, with a little Chow (spotted tongue). Was curious how much shepherd you think he will be? His coat is almost all gold with black on the tail and muzzle. I can see fur growing in on his back/ears/neck that is black. He has perky ears already but was told sheps have flappy ears when they are little. I wanted a german shepherd but couldn't afford to get a purebred or whatnot. Just wanted to know your thoughts! He was 9 lbs at 8 weeks (when I got him) and 11 pounds at 9 weeks.

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Looks Jut Lke My Shepherd/Chow Chow
by: Anonymous

What an adorable puppydog! 

Whatever he is you are lucky to have each other, and one of the many up sides to a mixed breed dog, is they tend to have far fewer of the potential health problems various purebred dogs can face.

As to how much shepherd, who can say for sure, but I'd guess from 1/2 to 3/4 shepherd. He looks EXACTLY like one of my dogs, Shadow, and Shadow is the same mix according to my vet. 1/2 shepherd 1/4 chow chow and 1/4 lab.

My guy has 2 blue spots on his tongue and sits holding his paws the very same way.He's grown up to look like a pint sized shepherd, mostly... about 45 lbs and very smart!

Congratulations on not just getting a dog, but adopting a rescue! Good for you!

by: samantha

He is so young it is hard to tell, but he is amazingly cute.

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