Underweight Rico

by Kate Rainford

My GSD pup Rico is now nine months old, last time he was weighed at eight months he was only 23 kg, seems since then he hasn't put on any weight at all, he is very ribby and every month or so through out his life he's suffered with the runs.

Hoping on some advice on how to put weight on him. Feed him on both dry and wet food, and try to have fresh meat in his diet as much as possible.


Comments for Underweight Rico

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Same problem
by: Glenys

My GSD Heike has also had problems putting on weight, at 10 mnths she weighs 20.5 Kg and is very skinny.

My vet has done all tests to eliminate systemic problems, including inefficient pancreas, all negative. It has come to light that GSD's have a delicate digestive system and she seems intolerant to meats and grains. She is now fed a fish and potato based food which seems to be working.

Good luck.

Underweight and stomach run
by: Eigen

My Eigen, 6 month male, has a similar issue. He weighs 46 lbs, skinny and loves to eat. I feed according to the direction printed on the food bag. He eats a "growth control formula for large breeds." Maybe that plays a role.

He loves to run and seems to be healthy other than once a month he has a stomach run for no reason. Should I feed him more?

I relate to this
by: Anonymous

I commented on facebook regarding this post but was unable to see the part about the not eating. My GSD does the same thing, and she has a very sensitive tummy and gets the runs really easily. I read that they have a sensitive system to food, and I finally found a food that mine will eat without getting those awful runs.

At any rate, she is very healthy, but skinny, and loves to run. They just need time to become an adult and fill out. If you are concerned about the bowel movements I'd strongly suggest going to your vet to make sure all is well.

Good luck.

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