
by Jacob K.M
(Idukki, Kerala, India)

Our GSD Puppy Mikky

Our GSD Puppy Mikky

I have a little daughter that loves German Shepherd dogs. She always asked me to get her a GSD puppy. So I recently decided to buy a German Shepherd for my little girl. I got a German Shepherd puppy for her 5th birthday and she was very happy.

What can I say, our German shepherd puppy is smart and obeys all commands. He is 4 months old and his name is Mikky. He likes to play football. When we play football, he loves to chase the ball. He also likes his morning walk.

He is a very good puppy and the entire family loves him. But, Mikky doesn't like my grandmother, because she never gives him any food or treats. But, he is a very happy puppy.

Mikky's other specialty is to run very fast. This must be why he is a very hungry puppy. He always wants to eat. His favorite food is chicken or any kind of meat. My daughter grooms him every day and he loves that. Even at such a young age, he has a very imposing bark.

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Puppy Love
by: Anonymous

While your puppy is young only allow certain people to feed her, preferably close family. We make sure that we are the only ones who feed our two dogs [shepards].

We had a party once and every one was told not to feed our pups. Somebody thought they would be smart and fed the puppy chicken bones from our barbecue. We didn't know until he started vomiting. Off to the vet, and a lovely bill, but thanks to pet insurance it wasn't that expensive. We taught our pups not to take food from anybody, so they don't.

By the way, Mikky is beautiful.

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