My dog Surfer, a German Shepherd Husky mix

Surfer - my GSD/Husky Mix

Surfer - my GSD/Husky Mix

His name is Surfer.

Adopted him from the Colorado Prison system. They have a great, non-state-funded program that teaches prisoners how to train dogs. After they make it thru the basic program, they are made available for adoption. He is the BEST dog I have ever had!

A Veterinarian placed him and a few others in the program so don't know anything about his parents. I did meet someone in Japan (from California) who has a dog that looks just like Surfer... litter mates?

He has two sisters. One is a 7 month old, so he's not excited about her, but LOVES his older (11 y/o) sister. They hate to be away from each other for any period of time.

He is a healty, happy boy who LOVES to play catch and is a natural at agility!

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Aug 01, 2013
by: Anonymous

Very nice picture of him. Glad to hear he is doing fine. He knows better, knowing about the prison sistem. I am sure he doesn't want to go back.

Keep him healthy. Wish all prisons would develop this kind of rehabilitation programs for the inmates.

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