Link's Slow Start
by Susannah
(Crestview, FL)
1 week ago 3 mos. old
When we first got Link (our Cat is Zelda) we were told he was 8 lbs (he was 8 weeks old). By the second day he developed horrible diarrhea and when we took him to the vet a few day's later he was less than 7 lbs and horribly infested with several types of worms.
We had him dewormed 3 times total, but by the time we took him back for the third check his weight had doubled from 8 lbs to 16 in 3 weeks. When we took him back earlier this week to get fixed, the worms were completely gone and he had gained another 10 lbs.
So now he is just about to be 4 months and weighs 26 lbs. We have been feeding him Science Diet since day one, and it seems to be working well.